a) In Fukuyama’s opinion, though three controversial issues for genetic solution, there are solutions for that each.
The first problem is the complexity and the amount of genes. It seems impossible to analyze all combinations of genes because they are so perplexed and those genes are numerous in one human’s body. Moreover, some genes may be able to make multiple effects on one human’s characteristics or body postures and functions by each oneself. Therefore, even if it is possible, it may take very long time to decode all genes completely. However, the progress of Human Genome Project was so more rapid than geneticists expected. The reason was that new technology was invented, and that makes a shortcut to the goal. For that reason, it will be able to solve all genetic questions faster than we assume. However, there are three obstacles.
The second one has to do with ethical matter. Some people have negative feelings against human experimentation. However, Fukuyama argues that human experimentation was held actually because it is expected for beneficial consequences.
The third issue is related to the population. When we will be able to make artificial humans by arranging combination of genes, it will come to be possible to change the ratio of population. For example, Negro will be more than Caucasoid. However, there were some countries where change of population occurred such as China, Korea, and India, though genetic movement was not involved.
Those are solutions for three obstacles of HGP
b) Related to population, Fukuyama takes countries as examples which tried to make influence on national population. However, what those countries do was just inhibiting children’s birth. If the genetic engineering is advanced, government can encourage women to bear babies as much as possible. That may increase the number of children. A population explosion may occur, then. Is there any possibility to happen such matter?
If so, does genetic engineering enable Japanese society to increase the number of children who are less than 15 years old?
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